Hazarat Muhammad (SAW) told to his Ummah those actions and prayers, by their regularity the connection of creature to the Creator become the strongest. Moreover, he has guided about those matter which are related to future betterment and to avoid of loss. For the betterment of future, the action which Holy prophet (SAW) told is known as istikhara. About this matter the hadith which Holy Prophet (SAW) has told is known as Hadith-i- Istikhara.In this very hadith Holy Prophet (SAW) told about two rakaat salat-e istikhara and the procedure of dua-e-istikhara to his Ummah. It is concluded by pondering over the words of dua-e-istikhara that these words contain many issues and explanations. Each word shows the power, control and knowledge of Allah and shows the weakness and helplessness of man.By pondering over this hadith, we come to the conclusion that these words are the greatest sources of strengthening the relationship between the creation and the Creator.